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113 Resultados
  • Producción de nano polvos

    FRITSCH GmbH ha introducido con éxito en el mercado el molino planetario de bolas PULVERISETTE 7 premium line. Con este concepto de molienda, FRITSCH satisface la demanda de los clientes de poder moler pequeñas cantidades de muestras hasta el rango nano. (1nm = 10-9m).

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  • The Quantum Leap into the Nano Class

    Planetary ball mills have long been a popular tool for the finest comminution of powders down to the micrometer range. In many industry segments, however, this is no longer sufficient. Demand now exists for the creation of nano particles (1nm = 10-9m).

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  • Trituración gruesa y fina del hormigón

    Concrete is a complex material, which its characteristics due to its composition and as a result of the systematic addition of additives can be adjusted very differentiated. However, this results in the demand to monitor this composition for two reasons: in order to ensure the desired useful properties and also to ensure the quality of the mixture.

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  • Preparación de muestras en la industria cerámica

    Las arcillas, las chamotas y la cerámica se utilizan de muchas formas distintas y por tanto, deben cumplir requisitos de calidad diferentes. En los últimos años, estos requisitos de calidad han cobrado cada vez más importancia para la industria transformadora así, como para los fabricantes de chamotas y cerámica.

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  • Processing selenium in the laboratory

    Selenium – listed in the periodic system of the elements in the 6th main group, below sulphur, is unknown to many. Although it belongs to the essential trace elements and is integrated by the body in the so called 21st amino acid. But still, it’s a toxin and the comminution of it requires a certain caution.

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113 Resultados